
Wifi thats super secure
How secure is your hashtag#WiFi?Our complete Wifi systems cover all buildings & sites, do not require any cloud / internet connection, therefore no way for data to be seen outside No one in the cloud can get access to your

Secure connection via VPN to mobile devices for voice calls
Secure connection via VPN to mobile devices via On premise firewall for VPN & PBX for voice communications ● On premise firewall appliance with free VPN service● On premise VoIP PBX appliance with free voice service● Utilize old style Bell

People counting statistics using standard cameras
Know how many people visit your premisesPeople counting statistics using standard cameras ● People counting, density heat maps, line crossing & more● Utilizes standard network cameras● Full on premise solution (no internet required)● Live & generated reports ● Contact us

Engineering CNC, Mill machines serial connections that work with Windows 11
Engineering machine using serial connection?We have a designed & tested solution for Windows 11 ● Works with any Microsoft Windows 10 & 11 computers● HAAS CNC, Mill, all machines that require serial connection● Works perfectly with CAM software such as

Working outside the office? Our firewall VPN appliances have 9 TrustRadius awards in 2024
Working outside the office? Trust us with your VPN Our perimeter firewalls have 9 awards from TrustRadiusin 2024, connection for laptops and mobile devices ● Watchgaurd firewalls for secure VPN remote access● No rental fees, you own everything● All hardware

Keep your business data secure and away from the grasp of AI
Keep your business data secure and away fromthe grasp of AI even when working remotely. We supply fully secure VPN and voice communicationhardware that are not subject to AI interference ● Watchgaurd firewalls for secure VPN remote access● Grandstream voice